This website is the home of my personal site, yes, I am JoyCo web design. I am also an avid outdoors lover and a hiker. This site is a collection of some of my favorite hikes and travels, occasionally random thoughts about web design may find their way onto here.
Hiking used to be my life, with a ruck sack and a rifle, I’ve patrolled many places on this globe, but now I am hiking for my enjoyment. I will post some good reviews of areas I have completed on here from time to time.
The hikes I complete vary from strolling through local park lands, to maybe scaling distant hills, and extreme climbs and hikes lasting days…
This gem below is my 29 KM grind, the long hike to the top is a bit grueling but when you ascend onto the south easterly face the sun beats down on you and you know it was all worth it. As you reach the peak or Black Tusk, nearly 2400 meters, you realize why your here and why you did this one… An annual favorite of mine.
Black Tusk Garibaldi
…or maybe even smaller hikes on the island are mor preferred, I’m not sure yet..
This 6KM hike below is a winding one through trees and bike trails to the top. Breadcrumbs climb is the last grind up, but when you get to the old fire watch tower you realize the amazing views of the Sooke basin was worth every second. The stellar jays feed out of your hands, the wind blows cooling you down and with that view, you’re hooked.
Mt Manual Quimper
Stay with me and visit some of these places, because small or big they are all worth the journey!